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GALCAC is delighted to announce that AnglGold Ashanti is sponsoring the first GALCAC event at our new premises next Monday 11 March, 6pm. The Kalgoorlie launch of Dr. Toby Metcalfe's book.
Dr. Metcalfe and his wife were the first government teacher in Warburton Community. His book provides an insight into life in the community and the Ngaanyatjarra Lands region in the 1960s.
Everyone is welcome to attend the launch and join GALCAC team for a light supper after.
RSVPs assist us with catering and is very appreciated : please phone 9021 3788 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
$20 per book, Author signing at the launch.
2024-03-11 18:00:00
2024-03-11 20:00:00