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Recently, we have had an explosion of SIL/ILO service providers set up locally.

Our disability community and networks don't know who they are and what they are offering. So GNS/GWHCC are offering an afternoon of service provider presentations as a way for them to introduce themselves to our community.

Service Providers are given 10 minutes ONLY to present their organisation and services - 5 minutes to describe their organisation, the features and benefits of using their service. What makes them stand out.

The next 5 minutes they will be answering 3 questions.

Audience members will have an opportunity to speak to service providers, and collect more information after all the presentations are complete and during afternoon tea. We already have a confirmed list of 9 presenters in this first round. A mix of old & very new service providers.

We hope to host a 2nd round of SIL/ILO Service Providers at the end of February 2025 in the evening. And extend the next round to Community Access Services, Support Coordination Services or Allied Health Providers.

We would love you to join us and learn who are here in our community ready to provide services.

Places are limited to 50, so please confirm by registering with this link

Gloria, Christine & the GWHCC Team

2025-02-06 13:00:00
2025-02-06 14:30:00